Friday, July 3, 2015
St. John's Recreation Centre St. John's, NL National Judge: Terry Carter Sweeps Judge: David Piercey Sanction Match Judge: Paul Oslach Junior Handling: Kathleen Corkum In conjunction with the Newfoundland All Breed Kennel Club: Saturday July 4, 2015 Conformation Judges: Terry Carter, Sharon Derrick, Marilyn O'Neill All-Breed Sweeps & Veteran Sweeps: TBA Obedience Trial Judge: Paul Oslach Rally Obedience Trial Judge: Paul Oslach Provincial Junior Handling Conformation Judge: Peter Drake Provincial Junior Obedience Trial Judge: Paul Oslach Sunday July 5, 2015 Conformation Judges: Melvin and Joan Beech Obedience Trial Judge: Paul Oslach Rally Obedience Trial Judge: Paul Oslach Junior Handling Conformation Judge: Pamela Skanes Junior Obedience Trial Judge: John Tilley Specialty Chairperson Jill Pitcher [email protected] |